Intercepting the Message - Quêtes

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Intercepting the Message

Kill Sunhawk elves until you find the Sunhawk Missive, then return it to Vindicator Boros at Blood Watch.


It is good to see you again, <name>. I have a quandary that you might be able to solve.

Our agents situated behind Sunhawk lines have reported seeing Sunhawk soldiers parsing an unusual document.

Unfortunately, we have been unsuccessful in acquiring a copy of the document for ourselves. I need you to go out in the field and try to recover the document. I am certain that if you apply enough pressure, a Sunhawk agent will turn over the information we seek. I leave the use of force to your discretion.


This is in Thalassian. Fortunately, I know just the person that can translate it...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1200 experience.
  • 275 reputation with Exodar

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