Are We There, Yeti? - Quêtes

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Are We There, Yeti?

Collect 2 Pristine Yeti Horns for Umi Rumplesnicker in Everlook.


Now that I have what I need to cover the mechanical moving parts, I only need one other thing. Well, actually two. Two horns!

The ice thistle patriarchs and matriarchs have the largest horns, so of course, those are the ones I want. That type of yeti inhabits a cave to the southeast. There are plenty of them there; you shouldn't have any problem finding them.

Remember, I only want the best looking ones -- no beat up or broken horns, please!


I can't wait to show my friends! Now, just wait a moment while I attach these...

Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4650 experience.
  • 150 reputation with Everlook
The entirety of this quest happens at Winterspring

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