Orders from Lady Vashj - Quêtes

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Orders from Lady Vashj

Deliver the Orders from Lady Vashj to Ysiel Windsinger at the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.


This letter contains detailed orders to the Coilfang naga operating the steam vaults. It warns of the arrival of Cenarion druids into the region and orders them to be slain on sight. The rate of water redirection from other lakes into Coilfang Reservoir is to be doubled. The orders bear the seal of the infamous Lady Vashj.

This letter would be of great interest to the druids of the Cenarion Expedition. Take it to their leader, Ysiel Windsinger.



This is much more than we bargained for. Our small victories here and there against the naga mean nothing.

If Lady Vashj is involved in this, then forces much greater than us are at work.

You've done well in bringing this to us, <name>. Now, we must prepare for war.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest ends at Zangarmarsh

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