True Masters of the Light - Quêtes

True Masters of the Light

Lord Solanar Bloodwrath in Silvermoon City wants you to bring him 1 Arcane Catalyst, 1 Crepuscular Powder, 1 Azerothian Diamond, and 1 Pristine Black Diamond.


Now that we have the water, we're going to need a number of reagents in precise quantities. Some of these substances are rare and expensive, <name>, but I have located sources for two.

You should be able to purchase some arcane catalyst from Zalle, the reagent vendor in one of the shops on the plaza near the Dead Scar. Darlia, the poison merchant near the rogue trainers on Murder Row, stocks crepuscular powder.

To complete my mixture, I'll also need an azerothian diamond and a pristine black diamond.
The entirety of this quest happens at Eversong Woods

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