As the Crow Flies - Quêtes

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As the Crow Flies

Ysiel Windsinger wants you to use the Stormcrow Amulet to explore the major lakes in Zangarmarsh.


We must determine how widespread the naga's activity truly is and react accordingly.

Exploring each body of water in Zangarmarsh could be a lengthy undertaking. If you allow me to, I will use my magic to mold your shape to one more suited to scouting the marsh.

Hold this amulet above the balcony near me when you're ready to begin. I will guide your way back to safety after we're done.


It is as I suspected. The naga have set up pumping stations at all the major lakes in Zangarmarsh.

They must be stopped if the marsh is to have a future.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Zangarmarsh

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