Stealing Back the Mushrooms - Quêtes

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Stealing Back the Mushrooms

Collect 10 Boxes of Mushrooms and return them to Watcher Leesa'oh at the Cenarion Watchpost in Zangarmarsh.


<class>, I've got an idea. I want you to head north again, this time into the heart of ogre territory!

Northwest of the Hewn Bog there is a place named Ango'rosh Stronghold, which sits on a floating island across a large mushroom bridge.

The ogres must be storing the harvested mushrooms there. I bet you'll find them all over the place, and probably on the ogres themselves, too!

Bring me a sufficient number and I will try to do something about providing the bog lords with a new source of nourishment.


These are perfect! Oh, thank you, <class>!

You've been ever so careful not to disturb the natural order of things, and we've gathered so much information in such a short amount of time!

Now, let's see if our little plan to grow a new food supply for the bog lords is going to work.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Zangarmarsh

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