The Bloodcurse Legacy - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 18
  • Required Level: 15
  • Difficulté : 15 16 21 24
  • Faction:
  • End: Captain Edward Hanes


Required, completed

The Bloodcurse Legacy

Admiral Odesyus has asked that you find and speak with Captain Edward Hanes.


Dear friend,

My hand trembles as I ink this letter. I pray that it reaches you in time.

Last night, Edward Hanes, captain of the ship 'Lost Hope', appeared before me in my tent. The same Edward Hanes that died of scurvy 20 years ago.

This apparition told me a tale that made my heart tremble. A tale that I need you to hear and a mission that I need you to accomplish. Will you do it? Will you seek out Edward on Wyrmscar Island, northeast of your base?


Admiral Odesyus


Have you heard of the bloodcurse, landlubber? No, of course you haven't. The bloodcurse is what sunk all these ships. The spoiled, desecrated part of the water here is known as Bloodcursed Reef - a part of the world you never want to visit. I've been here myself for 20 years.

Scurvy my foot! I died on these wild shores as food for the dragons... Ah, but that's another story for another time. Right now, we have to help the poor souls that are trapped in that reef.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 350 experience.
  • 28 reputation with Stormwind

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