The Master's Terrace - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 70
  • Required Level: 70
  • Difficulté : 70 73 77
  • Type : Raid
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Kamsis
  • End: Archmage Alturus


The Master's Terrace

Go to the Master's Terrace in Karazhan and read Medivh's Journal. Return to Archmage Alturus with Medivh's Journal after completing this task.


Journal? What journal?

Oh, right. That journal! The Violet Eye sent me here for it. It's all coming back now.

This is the page that Alturus is interested in. Did you know that while other people's journals serve as a record of their memories, Medivh's is literally just that?

Try it. Go to the Master's Terrace and read the page; you'll see just what I mean. Might as well report to Alturus while you're at it. I'm afraid I'll be here for a while.


It is a shame that the agents we sent succumbed to Karazhan's magic. At least you managed to obtain what they were after.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Karazhan

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