Constrictor Vines - Quêtes

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Constrictor Vines

Tracker Lyceon at Blood Watch wants you to bring him 6 Thorny Constrictor Vines.


A good woodsman makes use of every available resource, <class>. Even the most bizarre creatures possess attributes we can use to our advantage.

With Blood Watch under constant assault from the Sunhawks, we're looking to a variety of natural defenses including traps. The lasher's thorny vines are perfectly suited to the construction of the traps I have in mind. The combination of sharp spines and deadly toxin will fell unwary attackers. Bring me the vines of mutated constrictors so that I can begin my work.


These seem sturdy enough to do the job. Thank you for your help, <name>. Your contribution to Blood Watch's defense will not be forgotten.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1100 experience.
  • 275 reputation with Exodar

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