Salvaging the Data - Quêtes

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Salvaging the Data

Obtain the Survey Data Crystal from the Wrathscale near the dead cartographers and return it to Harbinger Mikolaas at Blood Watch.


It's too late to assist the cartographers in completing their mission, but it appears they collected the data Harbinger Mikolaas was expecting. The crystal storing their survey information was not among their ransacked packs, so it must be in the hands of the Wrathscale naga.

You know that Harbinger Mikolaas will be saddened by the loss of the survey crew, but would want to salvage the survey data.


They were good men, <name>, and they knew their mission would be dangerous. I'm grateful for your help in locating the team and recovering the crystal.

We've lost too many good men already, and our mission has only just begun.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1000 experience.
  • 275 reputation with Exodar

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