Call of Water - Quêtes

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Call of Water

Bring the Shard of Water to Islen Waterseer in the Barrens.


Take shard. Take shard and give life.

Give life and understand. Understand water is life... corruption stops life.

You protect and give life with water's power.


This is the proof I asked for. You've done well, <name>.

I am pleased to be the first to congratulate you and give you this... your water totem.

Use it well, and good luck.

Your next test will not be for some time, so learn your lessons well. Pure water will not only give life back to those who are injured, but can have many other effects. I suggest you seek out a shaman trainer when you have the time. They might have other spells for you to learn.


You will learn:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2750 experience.
This quest starts at Silverpine Forest and ends at The Barrens

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