Trouble at the Docks - Quêtes

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Trouble at the Docks

Crane Operator Bigglefuzz in Ratchet wants you to retrieve the bottle of 99-Year-Old Port from Mad Magglish who is hiding in the Wailing Caverns.



Had a little mishap, as you can see! The morning cargo shipment from Booty Bay was huge. Huge I say! Never seen so many crates. Well, I was trying to expedite things so I started unloading a bit more than I could handle. That's when everything came tumbling down.

Before I knew what was going on, I saw that menace, Mad Magglish, go running off with a bottle of 99-year-old port. Chased him all the way to Wailing Caverns. No way I was going in there.

Maybe you're brave enough to find him?


Superb! And just as I was about to lose my job too! I will see to it that Gazlowe gets this gift immediately.

Thank you, <name>. Nicely done, I say!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at The Barrens

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