Dark Tidings - Quêtes

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Dark Tidings

Take the Ominous Letter to Force Commander Danath Trollbane at Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula.


Giving the lifeless form of Vazruden the Herald the once-over, you discover a rolled letter, its seal yet unbroken. An elaborate "I" is pressed within the blood-red ink. Cracking the note open, the message that you read is most disturbing.

Force Commander Danath Trollbane back at Honor Hold will definitely want to take a look at this!


It's signed by Illidan you say?! Let me have that.

This news that you bring is ominous indeed. Knowing this, we must accelerate our plans against Hellfire Citadel and this Blood Furnace. Because you have shown that you can get the job done, I want you to head up those plans.

Gunny will give you your next mission, though I suspect it will be far deadlier than your first.

Light be with you, <name>!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 40000 experience.
  • 300 reputation with Honor Hold
This quest ends at Hellfire Peninsula

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