Gaining Mirren's Trust - Quêtes

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Gaining Mirren's Trust

Mirren Longbeard wants you to bring him 1 Nethergarde Bitter. You must also attain Friendly reputation with Honor Hold to complete this quest.


So you want to gain our trust? I don't trust many people these days.

We lost one of our own not long ago to the arakkoa. It's got me a bit on edge.

Tell you what, if you can prove your loyalty to Honor Hold and... bring me a mug of Nethergarde Bitter... yes, that sounds rather good about now... I'll have a deal to offer you then.

Bernie at Nethergarde Keep keeps the bitter in stock.


Why. yes! You seem to be quite an OK <race>. I suppose I can trust you.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 40000 experience.
  • 300 reputation with Honor Hold
The entirety of this quest happens at Hellfire Peninsula

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