Beasts of the Apocalypse! - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 10
  • Required Level: 7
  • Difficulté : 7 8 13 16
  • Faction:
  • Start: Moordo
  • End: Moordo


Required, completed

Beasts of the Apocalypse!

Moordo at Stillpine Hold on Azuremyst Isle wants you to bring him 8 Ravager Hides.


My brother and I were hunting in the woods to the east when we were ambushed by strange, insect-like beasts. Such aberrations have never before been seen in Azuremyst! Could they be a sign of the coming apocalypse? The apocalypse that YOU are destined to prevent?

If you truly are the Promised One, you will strike the creatures of the apocalypse down... and bring me their hides. From their hides, I can fashion armor of great power!

Find them to the east, beyond the road.


Not only is the prophecy true, this armor is also amazing! Surely it is armor fit for a champion! And I will sell it to you at discounted prices, furless one.

I jest... The first piece is complimentary.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 850 experience.

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