Learning the Language - Quêtes

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Learning the Language

Read the Stillpine Furbolg Language Primer that Aurren gave you and interact with the Totem of Akida at Azure Watch.


I think I've cracked it, <name>!

All that we need to know about the Stillpine furbolg language is imprinted on their totems. With just a rudimentary understanding of how their symbols work, we can study the totems and learn to communicate with the furbolgs.

I've written down the basics of the symbol matrix on this parchment. Study it and then examine the totem. It should lead you to the next language totem.

Speak to Arugoo when you return an educated <race>!


The totem has various primal markings. You see owls, bears, wolves and stags carved into the surface.

You note a strange collection of symbols that makes your mouth form the word A-K-I-D-A.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 50 experience.

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