Call of Water - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 20
  • Required Level: 20
  • Difficulté : 20 23 27
  • Faction:
  • Start: Aqueous
  • End: Aqueous
  • Classe: Shaman


Call of Water

Collect 6 Foul Essences and return them to Aqueous in the Hidden Reef at Bloodmyst Isle.


In balance with the other elements, water is the source and sustenance of all living things. It gives and nurtures life, and all rely upon it for their existence. Yet, when polluted, it also brings life to an end.

We must determine the extent of the damage that has been done. To the southwest is one such contaminated body of water that has come to be known as the Foul Pool. Travel there and extract the foul essence from the water spirits that inhabit the pool.


Thank you, <class>. These should be enough so that I can examine this corruption. Then we will have a better idea of how to proceed.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1550 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Bloodmyst Isle

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