Call of Water - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 20
  • Required Level: 20
  • Difficulté : 20 23 27
  • Faction:
  • Start: Farseer Nobundo
  • End: Aqueous
  • Classe: Shaman


Call of Water

Speak with Aqueous in the Hidden Reef at Bloodmyst Isle.


A powerful water elemental named Aqueous has requested your presence. It would seem that there is a great imbalance occurring in the water element on Bloodmyst Isle. Not surprising given the unnatural predilections of the blood elves.

You will find Aqueous in a hidden reef under the waves off the northern shore of Bloodmyst Isle.

Take this potion; it can help you to get to her once you get into the water near the reef.


Do not fear, <name>. While you are here we will speak using our minds.

I am grateful to Farseer Nobundo for sending you to me. There is a great disturbance that is polluting the waters on and around Bloodmyst Isle. Not even the blind would fail to notice the effect this is having on its creatures and the environment.

You and I will work together to stop this corruption before it spreads further.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1550 experience.
This quest starts at The Exodar and ends at Bloodmyst Isle

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