Sven's Revenge - Quêtes

Sven's Revenge

Go to Sven's Farm and find what was buried behind the old stump.


I used to work one of the farms to the southeast...until Dark Riders from Deadwind Pass descended upon my farm and slaughtered my family when I was away!

When I returned I saw a shadowy figure skulking near my barn, burying something. He fled before I could catch him, and I couldn't linger for I was hot on the heels of the Dark Riders. So I never discovered what was hidden.

If you can find what that shadowy figure buried, I would be grateful. The hiding spot is behind the old stump near my barn.


A mound of dirt is here, hastily piled up as if someone had need of hiding something...without much time to do it.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1000 experience.
  • 75 reputation with Stormwind
This quest starts at Duskwood

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