Pride of the Fel Horde - Quêtes

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Pride of the Fel Horde

Shadow Hunter Ty'jin at Thrallmar wants you to kill 8 Shattered Hand Legionnaires, 4 Shattered Hand Centurions, and 4 Shattered Hand Champions.


Overlord Maimfist's insults aside, <name>, this Fel Horde is nothing to be trifled with.

From what we know, Fel Horde troops under the command of Kargath Bladefist are a brutal, battle-hardened lot fortified by foul magics. The elite of this force, the Shattered Hand legionnaires, champions, and centurions are feared by the Fel Horde regulars and serve as an officer corps.

Targeting and eliminating them is a necessary first step in any successful assault on the Fel Horde's leadership.


Excellent job, <name>. With the legionnaires broken, it will be easier to face the Fel Horde on the battlefield, though they remain a formidable enemy.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 253000 experience.
  • 275 reputation with Thrallmar

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