The Mark of the Lightbringer - Quêtes

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The Mark of the Lightbringer

Obtain the Mark of the Lightbringer and return it to Anchorite Truuen at Chillwind Camp in the Western Plaguelands.


In the short time that I have been on Azeroth I have studied many of its heroes. Of them all, Uther Lightbringer stands above the rest. A hero for the ages, in the end Uther was betrayed by his most promising pupil, Arthas.

In his honor, I would like to return something he lost to his nearby tomb. It is rumored that the Scarlet Crusade is keeping one of his holy relics atop their guard tower near the gates of Hearthglen.

Please, <class>, go and retrieve it.


Thank you, <class>! The recovery of this holy symbol means a great deal to myself and others that honor the memory of Uther Lightbringer.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 9000 experience.
  • 250 reputation with Exodar

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