Call of Fire - Quêtes

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  • Required Level: 10
  • Difficulté : 10 2 5
  • Faction:
  • Start: Temper
  • End: Temper
  • Classe: Shaman


Call of Fire

Retrieve the Ritual Torch and return it to Temper at Emberglade on Azuremyst Isle.


One of my brethren, Hauteur, has gone insane, no doubt because of the crash of your ship. He's begun demanding that the local owlbeasts worship him.

This will not continue! None of us would ever impersonate a god! It falls to you to restore the balance.

First, you must retrieve their ritual torch, which has been taken by the crazed wildkin inside Stillpine Hold to the west.

Return the torch to me.


See how its fire never goes out? That is the work of Hauteur. It is a symbol of his arrogance. Flame is meant to consume that which it burns and then itself die, to be reborn anew another time.

I would help you douse the torch, but it must stay lit for you to deal with Hauteur. We will let it burn a little while longer.
The entirety of this quest happens at Azuremyst Isle

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