Call of Earth - Quêtes

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Call of Earth

Deliver the Earth Crystal to Firmanvaar at the Crash Site in Ammen Vale.


I will now give you a piece of my physical being that you may create your earth totem. Return it to he who sent you here.

You and I will be bound together for all time. Throughout your life the forces of earth will be at your disposal. The balance will come when your bones return to us at the end of your days.

Use our power wisely.


You have done well, <name>. In helping to restore the balance of the elements at the grove, you have also created a balance between the earth element of this world and the <race>. Perhaps this will help to bring understanding to those amongst us who do not approve of our ways?

I will create for you a totem through which you will be able to call on the power of earth to do your bidding. And with time, more of the mysteries of earth will be revealed to you.

Now, take your totem, <class>.


You will learn:
This quest starts at Azuremyst Isle

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