Bloodscalp Insight - Quêtes

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Bloodscalp Insight

Nemeth Hawkeye at Grom'gol Base Camp wants you to bring him a Bloodscalp Totem from a Bloodscalp Shaman.


Well met, <class>. I've made a habit of studying the fighting techniques of the various troll tribes in my travels, and I've noticed a trend. The Bloodscalp trolls at the Tkashi Ruins and Bal'lal Ruins to the north use some of the same tactics as the Amani of the northern forests.

Their magic seems to have diverged in an interesting direction and they've used it to become the strongest tribe in the area. It could form the core of a powerful weapon against the Amani, but first I must find out more about it.


Well done. Now, this is curious...

The inscription on this totem is in a language no troll could ever hope to learn, but one that is known to us. It names the bearer as an ally of a water elemental named Naias and marks him as one worthy to channel his power.

This is most unexpected, but not entirely bad, <name>. With your help, I'd like to pursue this further.
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