Travel to Darkshire - Quêtes

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Travel to Darkshire

Travel to Darkshire in Duskwood and speak with Anchorite Delan.


I am told that there is a thorn in the side of the kingdom of Stormwind. It is known as Duskwood, and it is a place that is filled with evil and the vile stench of undeath.

As we're trying to help as much as we can, I would like for you to travel southeast to the main human settlement there, named Darkshire. Anchorite Delan will be awaiting your arrival.


Greetings, <class>. I trust that you're journey here was uneventful?

These poor souls are beset upon all sides by the creatures of the night. It is our wish that you lend them what aid you can in pushing back the darkness.

Travel about the town and get to know its inhabitants. Please, <name>, help them in any way that you can.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 800 experience.
  • 75 reputation with Exodar

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