Report to Splintertree Post - Quêtes

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Report to Splintertree Post

Travel to Splintertree Post in Ashenvale and speak with Advisor Sunsworn.


Your reputation precedes you, <name>. I want you to travel to Splintertree Post in Ashenvale. The easiest way to get there on foot is to travel west through Durotar and the Barrens, and then turn north at the fork in the road.

When you arrive, speak with Advisor Sunsworn. Travel carefully; Ashenvale can be a very dangerous place!


The ambassador sent word ahead, so I've been expecting you.

The ambassador simply wants you to do as much as you can to help out around here. She said something about making sure to cement our relationship with the rest of the Horde.

Ask around - there are others in need of help further back in the Post. And I hear that there's another Horde outpost called Zoram'gar Outpost on the coast all the way to the west.
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