A Watchful Eye - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 21
  • Required Level: 20
  • Difficulté : 20 24 27
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Start: Theocritus
  • End: Old Lion Statue
  • Races: Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome


A Watchful Eye

Take the Glyph of Azora to the Lion Statue near the Tower of Ilgalar in Redridge.


My rival, Morganth, is a vicious mage of great power who lives in the Tower of Ilgalar in Redridge. I have developed a means of spying on him, the Eye of Azora, and can now view him from afar.

But to study his thoughts ... I require further aid.

If you are willing, then take my Glyph of Azora to the Tower of Ilgalar. Place it upon the Lion Statue near the Tower.

When this is done, the power of Azora will grant visions of Morganth's future plans.


You place the Glyph of Azora on the stone. It adheres itself... and you hear from it Theocritus' disembodied voice:

You have my gratitude, young <name>. You may now speak with me through this Glyph, and I might have future tasks for you... after I have probed the thoughts of my rival.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1250 experience.
This quest starts at Elwynn Forest

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