Flute of Xavaric - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 54
  • Required Level: 49
  • Difficulté : 49 52 57 62
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Start: Flute of Xavaric
  • End: Eridan Bluewind
  • Races: Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome


Flute of Xavaric

Bring the Flute of Xavaric and 5 Jadefire Felbind samples to Eridan Bluewind in southern Felwood.


You study the simple wooden flute you picked up after defeating Xavaric.

The knotted wood feels solid, but it seems as if the spirals and patterns in the surface begin to spin and move as you turn it over in your hands. Suddenly, you feel a sense of dread...

You shake your head, sure that your mind is playing tricks on you.

It's possible that other satyrs carry clues as to what you have found. Bring your findings to the druid, Eridan Bluewind, that lives in southern Felwood.


I sense the suffering of ancient ones, <name>...

Holding these items is almost unbearable...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 5450 experience.
This quest ends at Felwood

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