The Road to Falcon Watch - Quêtes

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The Road to Falcon Watch

Protect the Wounded Blood Elf Pilgrim on her way to Falcon Watch, then speak with Taleris Dawngazer.


Please, <class>, get me out of this cage! I foolishly set out from Thrallmar ahead of the main group, despite Martik Tor'seldori's warnings.

I was set upon by horrible creatures that could only be the ravagers he talked about. I managed to drive them off, but that was only the beginning of my troubles.

As I bound my wounds, those bird men found me, dragged me back to this cave, and locked me in this cage! I must get to Falcon Watch!


Get her inside and see to her wounds!

She's fortunate that you found her when you did, <class>. I don't think she'd have lasted much longer out there.

Can you make out what she was saying?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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