Darnassian Intrusions - Quêtes

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Darnassian Intrusions

Travel to the West Sanctum, southwest of Falconwing Square and defeat any intruders present there. Report your findings to Ley-Keeper Velania.


Besides the constant threat that the Wretched represent, I also have to deal with all kind of fictitious reports of night elf sightings.

Though most reports are unfounded, one recent incident demands further investigation. The West Sanctum, one of our primary energy sources, has suffered a terrible malfunction and rumors of Darnassian sabotage are rampant.

Travel there and deal with anyone that looks suspicious. Report back to Ley-Keeper Velania, who watches over the sanctum.


Night elves? Here? Those rats!

Do you suppose they had anything to do with the malfunction in my sanctum? If you have any information, you'd better take it to Captain Sunbrand at once!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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