Report to Magister Kaendris - Quêtes

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Report to Magister Kaendris

Bring Dar'Khan's Journal to Magister Kaendris at the Sanctum of the Sun in the Ghostlands.


The magisters at the Sanctum of the Sun have made great progress in analyzing the Scourge's weaknesses with the aid of the Forsaken. Magister Kaendris will know what to do with this information.

You'll find the Sanctum of the Sun southwest of here. You must hurry, <name>. Dar'Khan is a cunning enemy and watches our every move!


This book... it can't be! It's Dar'Khan's very own handwriting. There must be information here that will reveal a weakness in our opponent.

You've done well in coming to us, <name>. The Farstriders have shown great wisdom in leaving this matter in our hands. This armor should help you further our cause.


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