Culinary Crunch - Quêtes

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Culinary Crunch

Collect 5 Crunchy Spider Legs and return them to Master Chef Mouldier at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.


This is intolerable! I have nothing to work with here! Milady asks me to come from Silvermoon City; she deserves cuisine as befits her station. No? But I get here and there is no food. You must go out, <class>, and bring back fresh kills so that I have something to prepare.

Dame Auriferous prefers a crunchy texture to her food. There are plenty of spindleweb lurkers to the southwest on the other side of the Dead Scar. Disgusting, I know, but that's what we have to work with.


Very well. these will have to do. No, don't describe them crawling around, I don't want to know! I'll work my magic upon these legs and they'll turn out quite tasty. A little spice here, a pinch of herb there, and then of course some arcane ingredients, and voila, a meal fit for a queen... or in this case, a dame.

Your service has been adequate, <class>. Here, take this recipe and some samples.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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