Deliver the Plans to An'telas - Quêtes

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Deliver the Plans to An'telas

Deliver the Night Elf Plans to Magister Sylastor at An'telas in the Ghostlands.


You must deliver the recovered night elf plans to An'telas for me. It is to the east, on the southern slopes of Sungraze Peak, just to the northeast of the Sanctum of the Sun.

Magister Sylastor is there conducting ongoing studies into the ley-line nexus energy for potential use in our fight against the Scourge. Have him look at these plans to shed some light on what it is that these night elves are up to.


It was just horrible! Night elves! They conjured their moon crystal here for some nefarious plot, but I snuck away and gathered a larger group of our scouts and casters from the nearby Sanctum of the Sun. We killed most of them and the rest of the group is hunting down the remnants!I'm glad that you're here now; I was only left a couple of scouts for protection! It's not safe out here!Give me a moment and I'll read through these plans to see what the night elves are up to.
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