They Call Me "The Rooster" - Quêtes

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They Call Me "The Rooster"

Dispatch Commander Metz at Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands wants an Argent Dawn Valor Token.


You want a writ? What? Do you expect me to hand you a highly sought after work order just for showing up? I think not, scrub. Crafters from around the world bid for jobs here at the front lines.

If you want a work order, you'll have to show me that you're willing to bleed for the cause. Bring me a valor token and we'll talk.

And there's only one way to get your grubby little scrub mitts on those - get to killin'.


Alright, here's how it works: For every valor token that you turn in, I'll give you another writ. You complete the order on that writ and deliver the order to Packmaster Stonebruiser. Got it? Good. Now get out of here.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Eastern Plaguelands

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