Goldenmist Village - Quêtes

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Goldenmist Village

Defeat 6 Quel'dorei Ghosts and 4 Quel'dorei Wraiths at Goldenmist Village, and then return to Arcanist Vandril at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.
Quel'dorei Ghost (6) killed
Quel'dorei Wraith (4) killed


We've had one success, but there are two more villages that must be reclaimed!

Goldenmist Village is our next target. It lies to the northwest, and has been taken by the ghosts of the high elves that used to live there. Gruesome, I know, but these are apparently the sorts of tactics that the Scourge like to employ.

Go and defeat these ghosts and wraiths, <class>. Take the west road out of Tranquillien to get there.


Your success at Goldenmist Village takes us another step closer to taking our land back. Don't fool yourself though, <class>; this fight is far from over.

Here, you've more than earned this. You may need it when you go up against Windrunner Village.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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