Suncrown Village - Quêtes

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Suncrown Village

Slay 10 Nerubis Guards and then return to Arcanist Vandril at Tranquillien in the Ghostlands.
Nerubis Guard (10) killed


We're surrounded here, <class>. The outlying villages have all been overrun by the Scourge!

You must head northeast to Suncrown Village immediately and deal with the nerubian Scourge menace. You can't miss them - they're spider-like creatures.

There's no time to waste.... Quel'Thalas must be reclaimed!


Outstanding! But, there's much to be done before the Scourge menace is completely driven from mighty Quel'Thalas!

Here, take this coin... it's not much, but you've earned it.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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