Fly to Silvermoon City - Quêtes

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Fly to Silvermoon City

Purchase a flight to Silvermoon City and deliver Quartermaster Lymel's Bill of Lading to Sathren Azuredawn in Silvermoon City.


<class>, for a very modest amount of coin, I can send you swiftly flying through the air on one of these magnificent beasts. And, it's safer than walking there, I can assure you!

When you arrive in Silvermoon City, seek out Sathren Azuredawn in the Bazaar.

Speak with me once more when you've decided you're ready to brave the skies.


What's this? Has Lymel's rotting brain finally slid out of her head? She wants all of this!?

Did you bring anyone with you to help take it back?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Ghostlands

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