Bonescythe Pauldrons - Quêtes

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Bonescythe Pauldrons

Rohan the Assassin at Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Bonescythe Pauldrons if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Pauldrons, 12 Wartorn Leather Scraps, 5 Cured Rugged Hides, 1 Nexus Crystal and 50 gold pieces.


If you want Bonescythe made, you're going to have to supply the materials.

Enter Naxxramas, the big floating city of death in the sky up there, and find desecrated armor and wartorn armor scraps. Bring those back along with the materials to put everything together and you'll have your Bonescythe. Oh, and you'll need to pay me for my troubles... I'll supply the bones.


These shoulders took some work! Don't go out and get yourself killed like a scrub, <name>.
The entirety of this quest happens at Eastern Plaguelands

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