Swift Discipline - Quêtes

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Swift Discipline

Use Antheol's Disciplinary Rod on his two students: Apprentice Ralen and Apprentice Meledor. Return to Antheol at Stillwhisper Pond in Eversong Woods with the rod after this.


I hope you learn a valuable lesson today, <name>. Never trust someone else to lie for you.

Now I want you to go back to my two dimwitted students and discipline them using this wand. My magic tells me that you'll find them along the road to the west on the other side of the Dead Scar.

Come back to me after you've done this. I'll give you a small reward for your troubles.


Excellent job, <name>. Don't worry, they're not stuck in that form permanently. Their apprenticeship, however, won't be restored until they earn it back.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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