Redemption Handguards - Quêtes

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Redemption Handguards

Commander Eligor Dawnbringer at Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands will make Redemption Handguards if you bring him the following: 1 Desecrated Handguards, 8 Wartorn Plate Scraps, 1 Arcanite Bar and 5 Cured Rugged Hides.


You will find the remnants of our fallen heroes on the corpses of the Lords of Naxxramas. Bring those desecrated keepsakes to me along with wartorn plate scraps and crafting materials capable of revitalizing the cursed armor and I shall craft a fine piece of armor for you.


Exellent <name> !
, you got everything just as i asked and now i can make a Redemption Handguards.
The entirety of this quest happens at Eastern Plaguelands

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