The Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 60
  • Required Level: 58
  • Type : Dungeon
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Bodley
  • End: Bodley


The Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet

Use the Brazier of Beckoning to summon forth the spirit of Kormok and slay him. Return to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain with the Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet and the Brazier of Beckoning.


Now we have what we need, so it's time to discuss who it is that you'll be summoning.

Kormok was ok for an ogre, right up until he turned to necromancy. After that, things got creepy for just about everyone in the outfit. It was no surprise then when he took his piece of the amulet and returned to his new home, Scholomance.

But even there, or perhaps especially there, he was not safe from the spectral assassins. They slew him right in front of his master, Ras Frostwhisper.


Good work, <name>! Kormok wasn't all that bad for an ogre, at least not while he was still alive, so I hope he gets the rest that he deserves. But, there is more work ahead of us.

Unfortunately, I do not know the location of the one who died with the right piece of the amulet in their possession. But do not fear; in life I was a dabbler in the art of divination, so I have another task for you, which is going to enable us to ferret out the final piece.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 8300 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Searing Gorge

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