Components of Importance - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 60
  • Required Level: 58
  • Type : Elite
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Bodley
  • End: Bodley


Required, completed

Components of Importance

Acquire a Starbreeze Village Relic and return it to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain.


<class>, listen closely. Now that we have the brazier, and the means to light it, we still need another component to suffuse it with; something that will provide a focus strong enough to entice the spirit of my deceased, former comrade.

Isalien, our priestess, grew up in Winterspring at Starbreeze Village. I need you to gather a Starbreeze Village Relic from the Frostmaul giants of Frostwhisper Gorge in southern Winterspring, who are known for raiding to the north from time to time.


A job well done, <name>. I will imbue the essence of the relic into the brazier.

Now all that is left is to go to the Shrine of Eldretharr in the east wing of Dire Maul, and use the brazier to summon forth the spirit of my former cohort, Isalien. Her spirit has been corrupted by her possession of the piece of Valthalak's amulet, and the portion of his soul within it.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 6600 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Searing Gorge

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