Falrin's Vendetta - Quêtes

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Falrin's Vendetta

Collect 25 Ogre Warbeads from Ogres inside Dire Maul or Blackrock Spire and return to Falrin Treeshaper inside the Athenaeum in Dire Maul.


Yes, it is true that I am familiar with this enchantment you require, <class>. Yet I'm not one to give out favors freely, even if you were sent here by an old friend.

I hold nothing but hatred and contempt for our brutish ogre neighbors. And not only them, I hate the followers of Omokk just as much as I hate those that follow King Gordok.

I want you to kill them. Kill lots of them! Bring me the beads they carry around their neck as proof of your work. Do this and we shall talk about your request.


Hmmm... strangely enough I don't feel any better about my brother's death at the hands of those brutes.

Well, you held your end of the bargain. Let's see what I can do for you.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 6600 experience.

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