Proof of Life - Quêtes

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Proof of Life

Bring Ysida's Locket to Anthion Harmon in Eastern Plaguelands.


It is the cruelest of fates that my beloved has perished while trying to rescue me. Yet, you claim to possess the ability to converse with him.

Bring him this locket as proof that I am well. He must not linger in this world; my heart would not be able to bear it.

Farewell, <name>. I shall be in your debt always.


That locket... you found her! I can rest in peace at long last.

I shall now answer any questions you might have, <name>. But make haste, my time in this world is not long.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 6600 experience.
This quest ends at Eastern Plaguelands

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