Dead Man's Plea - Quêtes

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Dead Man's Plea

Go into Stratholme and rescue Ysida Harmon from Baron Rivendare.
Ysida Harmon killed


I'll provide you the information you ask for, <name>. But more pressing matters are at hand.

My beloved wife has been taken prisoner by Rivendare's undead scum.

I strongly objected to her joining the Argent Dawn's foolish crusade, yet that's not of importance anymore. You must finish what I attempted to do, you must rescue Ysida from the clutches of the Baron!


Thank you for rescuing me... I feared for my life. Please accept this as a small token of my gratitude.

Anthion is... no... he can't be...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Eastern Plaguelands

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