Dearest Elenia, - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 70
  • Required Level: 58
  • Difficulté : 58 66 68 73 77
  • Faction: Horde
  • Start: Deathguard Tor
  • End: Elenia Haydon
  • Races: Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll

Dearest Elenia,

Deliver the Lovingly Composed Letter to Elenia Haydon near the bank in the Undercity.


A lifetime ago, I was betrothed to marry Elenia, my childhood sweetheart. It's been years since I thought about her last, but of late, she frequently occupies my thoughts.

Perhaps, even with everything that has passed, there can be some room in each other's lives for our love.

I'm sure she has changed, also. Can you deliver this letter to her for me? I am too nervous to give it in person.


This brings back memories from a lifetime ago, <name>. Elenia Tor. That was going to be my name, you know. We would have a beautiful ceremony out on the shores of the lake. When he retired, we'd find a farm to retire to.

Simple dreams, then.

But if he saw me now, I doubt he'd even see Elenia in me. Only cold flesh and a dead heart...
This quest starts at Tirisfal Glades and ends at Undercity

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