Captain Kelisendra's Lost Rutters - Quêtes

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Captain Kelisendra's Lost Rutters

Return Captain Kelisendra's Lost Rutters to Captain Kelisendra at the defended camp just to the east of the Sunsail Anchorage in Eversong Woods.


Interesting... what you have found here is a water-proofed, leather tube containing a number of sheets of parchment. By the markings upon them, the pages are clearly navigation rutters, and each bears the signature of one Captain Kelisendra.

You've heard of a small, defended camp just east of the nearby Sunsail Anchorage. Maybe the captain is there?


Oh you sweet, sweet <class>! I had no idea that those disgusting Grimscale murlocs had also pirated away with my navigation rudders! Without them, I would have no chance of navigating the seas again once we retake the anchorage and repair the ship.

Thank you very much! Here, take this coin as a sign of my appreciation.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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