New Year Celebrations! - Quêtes

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New Year Celebrations!

Bring the Smokywood Supplies to Innkeeper Allison in Stormwind.


Stormwind is holding a celebration for the new year! All day long today you can get free booze, and at night they'll put on a firework show! It should be pretty nice... but Booty Bay is also having a party today; I bet it'll be even better!

Well anyway, Innkeeper Allison in Stormwind needs a supply of Smoky Wood Pasture fare to help feed all the party goers. Can you do me a favor and deliver it!

Thanks, <name>! Innkeeper Allison is in the Gilded Rose, in the Trade District of Stormwind.


Oh, my Smokywood supplies! Splendid! I'll need these to feed all the people in town for the celebration!

Thank you, <name>. Please take this as payment, and don't forget to drink and dance with the revelers outside!
This quest starts at Stranglethorn Vale and ends at Stormwind City

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