The Orgrimmar Legion Needs Mojo! - Quêtes

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The Orgrimmar Legion Needs Mojo!

Bring 6 Powerful Mojo, 6 Flasks of Big Mojo and 8 Oils of Immolation to Shadow Priestess Shai near Hive'Regal in Silithus. You must also bring Logistics Task Briefing IV in order to complete this quest.


The Orgrimmar Legion has put in a request for several unusual ingredients. Given their current performance in Silithus, we'd like to comply with their request as soon as possible. Gather the materials and bring them to the troll called Shai.


Ah, yes. Just what I needed! I'll make a special concoction with this. The silithid won't like it one bit!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest ends at Silithus

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