The Hero of the Day - Quêtes

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The Hero of the Day

Bring 1 Deeprock Salt and 5 gold coins to any Holly Preserver machine, upon which you will receive 5 Preserved Holly.


Listen... I'm not really supposed to be telling you this, but since you're the hero of the day and all...

There's fresh holly everywhere this time of the year, but it never lasts. We've got a machine that preserves holly - it never goes bad! We use it to spice up the holiday... and profits during the summer!

I'll let you use the preserver, but only if you're a master cook. You'll need some deeprock salt and two, three, oh let's say five gold. It'll net you a nice batch that's yours to keep.


The machine lets off a little rumble and a small amount of steam as it starts working. It is not too long thereafter until it stops, heralded by another small jet of steam erupting from it. A door hatch opens, revealing a batch of preserved holly!
This quest starts at Ironforge

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